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No one said it would be easy - they just promised it would be worth it.

So I'm Jack. I'm 27 years old and i'm female to male transgender.

It's funny people ask me "so when did you know you were trans?"

Still to this day i struggle to answer that question.

For as long as i can remember I always tried to fit in. I came out as a lesbian when i was 14. That was my only explaination as to why i wore mens clothes or had my hair short.

In my early 20's I started working at a bar in Bournemouth Triangle.

I met so many different people. I would go out every night get drunk not sleep for days. Go to work and do it all over again.

I was so unhappy!

I thought about just giving up time and time again. I never had the bottle though. Something had to give.

After a heavy night drinking i confided in a couple of my friends. Who happend to be drag queens. I remember sitting there in their lounge and crying that i was in the wrong body. They listend to me and told me to stop worrying about what people think.

All of a sudden this weight bad been lifted.

I went to work later that evening and told my boss everything. He told me he was going to help me and put me in contact with a couple of his friends who are trans.

I met up with them and spoke to them. Everything started to click. They understood what i was going through.

I'm so lucky that i had people to talk to and explain my fears too.

For years i took refuge in alcohol and drugs and wreckless behaviour because i was unhappy in my life.

The first step of any transition is terrifying.

I'm now two years on testosterone, 2 months post op with chest surgery.

I've never been happier.

Talking will always help. If you don't talk it will destroy. Remember people are there. They do care and will listen, you just have to open up.

No one said it was easy they just promised it will be worth it.

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